Posts tagged self-awareness
Relationship Holiday Hacks

The holidays are often pegged as a magical and joyful time of the year, but for many, they can also be filled with anxiety, stress, and relationship challenges. During the holidays, you’re often surrounded by a lot of people with a lot of differing opinions, values, and ways of doing things. This can lead to conflict and flat-out drain your energy. This year, we challenge you to keep YOUR energy and needs front of mind and apply these relationship holiday hacks so you can have a joy-filled holiday season (without the stress, overwhelm, and dread of being EVERYTHING to EVERYONE).

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What Are The 7 Love Languages and How Can I Use Them?

What’s new and has me all fired up, and what I believe was truly missing from the OG Love languages, are the Intellectual and Emotional styles. Um, hello! Now you’re speaking my language!

I LOVE digging deep into real, raw conversations and debates about human connection, relationships, careers, conflicts, love, and other important topics. When someone shares their deepest, darkest feelings and vulnerabilities with me, it’s like ecstasy!

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How Do You Show Up In Your Relationships

The key thing here is knowing what side is the blind side? Where is the blind spot? If you don’t know, you can’t set yourself up to protect it…

The same can be said for our relationships and how we show up in them.

So it starts with self-awareness. If we have a blindside, and we aren’t aware of it, then we can’t protect ourselves from the blindside hit. If we are aware of our blindside, we can prepare. We can set up our own offensive lineman to protect ourselves.

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