Relationship Counselling Calgary - The Relationship Coaches


Relationship Coaching, Relationship Counselling, Couples Counselling, Marriage Counselling, Therapy, OMG, how do I know what is right for me?

Lisa and Lindsay are both professionally certified relationship counselors located in Calgary. But don't worry, we can reach you anywhere in the world. There are many places in the world where anyone can call themselves any of these titles and some places where certain practices are regulated!! The coaching industry is one field that is not regulated, so we would always recommend that people do their due diligence. You can see more about their education here.

Other than finding someone qualified, it’s also really important that you resonate with the individual you will be working with (i.e. jive, mesh, bond, click, you can hang out with them longer than 10 minutes without wanting to poke your eye out!). You get it! We offer a free phone consultation to “meet” us before you decide to work with us.

In general, therapy tends to explore feelings and experiences related to past events. Life coaching and relationship coaching is present and future focused, the life or relationship coach meets the client where they are currently at in their life and looks to the future to set goals and make a plan. Generally, relationship coaching is a faster way to move your relationship out of a stuck place (as in, more bang for your buck!!). Depending on where you live, a marriage counsellor could fall into either of these categories.

Who is relationship coaching for?

Relationship coaching is for any individual or couple who feels lost, stuck or wants change in their life. You will know if relationship coaching is for you once you have experienced it! Here are some ways to identify if you could benefit from relationship coaching: 

  • You second guess your decisions

  • You say yes when you really want to say no

  • You have trouble sticking to your commitments

  • You find it difficult to read people

  • You feel lost or stuck

  • Fear and self-doubt are constantly riding shotgun

  • You are a self proclaimed or in denial “people pleaser”

  • You have destructive habits

  • You want to be more focused

  • You have trouble making decisions

  • You are facing a major transition or decision

  • You wonder if your relationship is as good as it gets

  • You are constantly asking yourself, “Should I stay or should I go?”

  • You have trouble connecting with others

When is the best time to do relationship coaching?

The best time to hire the relationship coaches is when you’re serious about your relationship - as in you've brought your partner home to meet the parents, or changed your FB status to “In a Relationship”!!! No, but seriously, if you wait until you are fighting the same fights over and over again or you’re questioning “Should I stay or should I go?”, you can still achieve your best relationship, but it will be a longer journey. We often say relationship coaching is proactive, whereas traditional marriage counselling and couples counselling is reactive. Let’s put it another way.. You don’t wait until your car has broken down on the highway before getting an oil change… so don’t wait until your relationship is broken before reaching out for relationship coaching!

What do I do if my partner doesn’t want to get couples counselling or coaching? Can I see The Relationship Coaches on my own or does my partner have to participate with me?

There’s no doubt that magic happens when both partners are game to invest their time and energy in relationship coaching. However, you can absolutely work with relationship coaches on your own. We’ve seen massive transformation in relationships from just one person doing the work. Ultimately, the decision of whether one or both of you work with a relationship coach is really about what’s best for your relationship.

What if I don’t live in Calgary or even Canada?

Lindsay and Lisa live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, but you don’t have to! You will work with the relationship coaches online via zoom, or on the phone.

How often will we meet with the relationship coaches? How long is each relationship coaching session?

We will meet for relationship coaching online or on the phone weekly, typically for a minimum of three months and often up to a year or longer. The initial discovery session will be 90 minutes, the individual coaching sessions are 50 minutes and the couples coaching sessions are 60 minutes in length.