The whole story…
Hey There! In case you haven’t met us already, we are Lisa and Lindsay.
We are connectors, relationship builder’s and coaches with a huge vision! A vision to help millions build connected and meaningful relationships with themselves, their partners and those closest to them.
We haven’t known each other forever but when we met in 2007 we became fast friends, BFF’s in fact, and began co-creating the lives we thought we always wanted, as a team – Hammonds and Jones’, or what we affectionately now call “The Jammonds.” We successfully timed pregnancies, planned family vacations, and dreamed of everything we would accomplish together!
It was a great life. Ups and Downs. Joys and Sorrows. We all got along… until of course we didn’t. As time went on, Lisa’s marriage began to fall apart and Lindsay grappled with the ultimate question – Is This As Good As It Gets? (FFS – Midlife crisis??)
We needed change.
And, we are guessing you are here because you need change too.
Maybe you are feeling stuck? Lonely? Frustrated? Angry? Confused?
Whether you have been struggling in your relationship for too long, you’re tired of having the same fights over and over, or you are simply wondering if this is as good as it gets??? You are in the right place.
I went into my marriage, like many of us, believing that we could overcome anything if we worked hard enough. But over the years we became increasingly disconnected, both emotionally and physically.
I felt helpless. I knew we both wanted to make things better, but we kept having the same fights over and over again, the outcome never improving.
I felt like I was just pretending.
I was living in constant fear. Fear that that the life I had imagined together was not really possible. Fear that my friends and family would find out how bad things really were. Fear about the kids witnessing our dysfunction or how a divorce would affect them. Fear about staying in an unhealthy relationship and fear about leaving it. Fear that my clients wouldn’t trust me or think I was a fraud if I couldn’t make our marriage work. I mean… relationships are my thing!
We had 3 incredible kids and 17 years together. It tormented me for years that we didn’t have a healthy relationship, and that I couldn’t “fix” us. I researched relationships a lot, read every book, tried marriage counselling, had numerous ugly cry sessions at inappropriate times, but in the end, we just couldn’t overcome our deep rooted issues.
Are you sick of pretending too?
Are you exhausted from fighting the same fights over and over again?
I get it. I’ve been there. It sucks.
Relationships are hard. All I can tell you is it’s never too late to have a great relationship. We’ve redefined what our family looks like and currently my ex-husband and I are co-parenting like champions and re-building our friendship.
My husband Trevor is the love of my life. He gets me, he puts up with me, he makes me a better person, and he’s the best dad ever (not to mention he’s a babe).
We’ve been together for 17 years and I can honestly say I’m deeply connected and in love with Trevor, more than ever before.
But, it hasn’t always been this way.
Having kids was the ultimate game changer for us. They became the focal point and that was the beginning of the end of Lindsay time as well as Lindsay & Trevor time!!
In our children’s earlier years, I would look at Trevor and, he’s becoming more and more of a stranger to me. It was crazy.I swear we had years of just looking at each other and thinking (or sometimes even saying) “we’ve got to get us back” but neither of us really took the initiative to make that happen and I felt super disconnected and lonely in my marriage.
Deep down, I wanted more than anything for Trevor to be my person, my best friend, my teammate, my comfort, but also my desire, and my source of intimacy.
I wanted all of that but at the time we were like roommates, you know - catching each other up on schedules and to do lists, zoning out in our work or TV, it was becoming what I never wanted it to become and I started to really question whether this was as good as it gets?
And to be honest, there was a part of me that believed we would be together forever, that we would never get divorced. But, there was another part of me that felt like if things didn’t change who knows? Maybe divorce was a real possibility for us and that terrified me because divorces were popping up like crazy all around me and I knew I didn’t want that.Each time someone I knew would get divorced, I would start to panic and wonder if that was the path that Trevor and I were heading down as well.So, I started researching about the best ways to repair and restore a relationship not just to a place where it’s good, but where it’s fucking UNREAL.
Are you wondering if this is as good as it gets, just like I was?
Are you sick of being just roommates?
Do you feel like you’re settling for a mediocre relationship because when you look around you don’t see much inspiration? (As in, all your friends and family bitch about their relationships and seriously, if you were married to Bob or Sue it would be waaaaayyy worse!)
I get it. I’ve been there. And it doesn’t have to be that way.
Taking a relationship from just okay to amazing is SO possible! If Trevor and I, two regular people, can make it happen, then so can you.

It was about the time when Lindsay got serious about improving her marriage and Lisa got serious about ending hers that our Company came to be.
We also looked back at Lisa’s marriage and looked right into Lindsay’s and began asking the questions, who is helping people co-create and maintain relationships where both people are emotionally and physically connected? Who is showing people how to go all in, to bring back the passion, the intimacy, and the fun in their relationships?
What we found was that no one was doing all of these things!!!
All these questions led to countless conversations between us which all ended with the same realization; We want to help! We saw a gap, and we wanted to fill it.
We were both already certified professional co-active coaches. Lindsay had been coaching individuals internally at KPMG for years and Lisa had been coaching both individuals and couples in her coaching practice for almost a decade.
We not only saw a gap we wanted to fill, we were the perfect people to fill it!
We realized our passion and calling was staring us in the face and we couldn’t deny it any longer...
So we decided to join forces and The Relationship Coaches was born.
Leadership is just looking at the world, noticing where the holes are in the universe and instead of just bitching about it and wishing it were different, creating the thing that’s missing. Be who you needed when you were younger, create what you need. — Glennon Doyle